Jang Dong Gun for President

Yeah, of course it only happened in the 2009 movie “Good Morning President.” He became Korean Commander in Chief after his predecessor as well as his mentor, President Kim Jeong Ho, retired.

The movie is about the life of 3 Korean Presidents: the old Kim Jeong Ho (Lee Soon Jae) who won a national lottery just before his retiring; the handsome-young-and-single-parent Cha Ji Wook (Jang Dong Gun) who had to deal with diplomacy problems and personal issues; the first female Korean President Han Kyeong Ja (Go Doo Sim) whose marriage was at a stake.

Kim Jeong Ho found out that he won a national lottery one night. He got a heart attack from it, but eventually recovered. While the lottery claiming periode was counting down, President Kim was desperate in finding the right way to claim the money. It resulted his lack of concentration of national matters and his showing unusual behaviors that made the Blue House staffs wondering what happened to him. After having a heart to heart talk with the Blue House Chief Cook, in the kitchen, he finally found the way to end his misery. In his last speech in front of the senates and all the nation, he pronounced that he won the national lottery.

Cha Ji Wook was a good to be true president that any nation’s may wish to have. He’s intelligent, handsome, charismatic, powerful, and….no spouse! His first appearance in the movie was when he was holding his child to sleep. Oh, that’s so lovely. Anyway, after President Kim retired, he became the successor. He had known President Kim for a long time and even had Kim I Yeon (Han Jae Yeong), President Kim’s daughter, as his childhood love. But had to put aside his love matter since Kim I Yeon became the Leader of Opposition Party and he himself had to face diplomatic problems. Another issue he had to deal with was a personal request by a citizen for his father’s sake. You’d be surprise of what the request was and what President Cha decided to do with it. He also had had a heart to heart conversation with Blue House Chief Cook in the kitchen.

Han Kyeong Ja became the first Korean female president. Her duty periode started after President Cha finished his. Besides facing the nation’s problems, she also had to deal with her demanding husband Choi Chang Myeon (Im Ha Ryong). The domestic problem had started from the beginning, but just reached the climax when Mr. Choi decided to leave his wife. President Han had to choose between her duty as Korean president and her duty as Choi Chang Myeon’s wife. She had a heart to heart conversation with the same Blue House Chief Cook, just like her two predecessors had done. It’s quite funny and sweet the way she handled her problem, thanks to Mr. Chief Cook.

It is actually a comedy movie, but unfortunately it failed to make me laugh a lot. Well, I laughed in some scenes, especially “the gas blowing” scenes that showed the perfect Cha Ji Wook as an imperfect figure eventually. President Kim’s part mostly funny as well. But I don’t think comedy is the right genre for this movie.

I like the concept and the way the stories were presented in the movie, especially the idea of taking The Chief Cook as the significant woven thread among the three presidents. It seemed that within the Blue House, the president’s office was not the most important room in the movie. Instead, it’s the kitchen. I think one message that’s clearly stated by the movie was: no matter how powerful a man/woman can be (in this case as president of a nation), he/she was firstly a living human. Nothing can buy someone’s happiness…

[image sources 1, 2, 3]

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