The Official Main Posters from “Empress Ki” (기황후)

20131021-Empress Ki

“Empress Ki” is airing today (October 28th) on MBC. The stills of characters also the teaser video are already published, and now i just want to post the main posters featuring the three characters, Empress Ki (Ha Ji Won), King Chunghye (Joo Jin Mo), and Soonje (Ji Chang Wook)

Ha Ji Won as Empress Ki shows her elegance in the magnificence costumes. Reportedly, during the photoshoot, Ha Ji Won was overwhelmed with those costumes, but eventually she could handle it. She becomes so gorgeous and elegant.

Actually sageuk  that is based on real history is not my favorite at all, because the ending is always tragic. I hope “Empress Ki” will run lightly, so i put my trust on the creative writers, Jang Yeong Chul and Jung Kyung Soon. I loved their works on “Giant” and “History of Salaryman”.

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20131022-Empress Ki

[info and images source]

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