Park Shin Hye Shows Off The Pureness for InStyle
Park Shin Hye spread her innocent charm for her latest photoshot for InStyle Magazine. Not only appears with the simple knitted outfit for this winter collection, her non-excessive expression also makes her look more mysterious, and chic. especially in knitted dress i found her so lovely and adorable.
this pictorial is also for anticipating her up-coming drama “Flower Boy Next Door” that will airing at tvN starts on January 7th. On these pictures she tries to appears as the mysterious Rapunzel, just like her role on that drama as Go Dok Mi, the solitude girl on the neighborhood. And with Yoon Si Yoon as her prince charming I can’t wait for this modern fairy-tale romance…
[info and images source]
June 23, 2013 - 11:08 pm
My dearest, how do you do? yesterday, I called to south Korean embassy in Iran. I intended to come Korea in order to pass traineeship courses, work, refreshment,…
Unfortunately, the Korean embassy doesn’t give work visa to me without any invitation from Korea.
So! Is it possible you give an invitation letter to me? As soon as you give your invitation letter to me, I will come Korea eagerly!
I will be so glad, If I can meet you ,…in Korea!
In present, I want to work, train,…in korea !
My morale will improve a lot as well, if I can come Korea!
I submit my address in Iran in the end of my email. I want to add my family,…conditions is so bad in Iran.
I plan to trip around of world in my longevity!
My dear! Please send my deep greets to all of your colleagues including my dearest:
Lee young ae,song yu ri,yoo in young,mika,maya,heina,hwang jin,…a lot!
I kiss my dearer from my soul Korean actresses so much!
I love you!
I kiss you so much!
I never forget you!
Your permanent lover
Kaveh yousefzadeh
My dearest park shin hye!
How are you going? In recent weeks, when I searched your name from Google engine site, I heard a bad news about you! As if you encountered with a car accident. I became so worried. But fortunately I heard that accident was inconsiderable. So, I became too happy from this news! I expect you never face with disasters alike car accident,…any more.
I extremely love you!
I severely love your acting in the Tree heaven series!
I like you so good play in the stairway to heaven series too.
I will become so glad, if I be informed about your daily work, leisure times,…!I will become so happy, if you have email relationship with me at least!
I wish I could meet you directly in near future!
My dearest park shih hye!
In recent months I have tried a lot for coming to Korea. Because I want to pass traineeship courses,… in Korea. I want to recreate in Korea. I want to work in korea,…I want to part from my so intolerable brother. His toleration is Herculean task!
As I said before I have suffered a lot in my country from last years.
I am a free thinker person. So a lot of malicious, ignorant, narrow minded groups of people hate me because of my especial independent thought. Even they like to torment me too. They have deprived most of my primitive rights for years. They have taken my so golden times for years. They killed my parents by gradual torture too. They have broken down one of my brothers mental and physical system for years too. They intend to kill him soon as well, I guess!
They have committed a lot of so terrible crimes against us for long years.
In my past emails I hinted them a little. For instance, they made blind my father, they tortured my mother for long years skillfully. They killed my mother finally by medical instruments. They made sick one of my brothers to different diseases. For long years he has affected to psycho- sexual trouble. He is 49.his sexual repressed instinct has pressurized him severely. And he emptied all of his cumulative repressed instincts to his parents so cruelly, especially to his mother for long years. His remedy was marriage in his adolescence times at least. But I live in one of the worst countries. Any way the satanic sects intended to impose different calamities to us proficiently. Although some of persons indirectly say me that the origin of calamities about us return to pre-revolution era in Iran(I mean in Pahlavi kingdom dynasty).but these kinds of justifications aren’t acceptable completely. The satanic sects have made me stay at home on so nonsense reasons! Because they want to expel me from Iran capital, Tehran city, practically! They want to force me that I convert my so brilliant ideologies (I mean the humanistic and hedonic ones).I never change my ideologies. But I live in a satanic, barbaric country. My living can generalize to other oppressed groups of people too. Can you find these groups of people in Korea? My dear! I severely abhor from traditional, middle ages customs, norms, and ideologies! But in my country, if any oppressed person alike me be free thinker, he lose a lot of his primitive rights. As if he lived in mine field! Any moment it may he is exposed by different calamities! I promise you that my country is a real hell! Since my country has located in one of desert regions, all of its moral principles is affected from its especial weather too. I meanwhile my country crude resources are one of the main barriers for the lack of civil society formation. That is why the religious and irreligious schools in my country transmute to their worst approaches. On the other hand a lot of external factors don’t let my country be developed. The external factors like the Middle East countries be confused. Because the foreigners can misuse from the Middle East resources easier in those conditions. The worst fundamentalism ideologies, hereby the religious ones mushroom in these countries. The Different so poisonous and dangerous superstitious thoughts emerge in these countries. Most of the so brilliant human achievements are banned in these countries. Especially in Saudi Arabia and Iran. The reincarnated beliefs is so important in these countries .and these kinds of especial religious thoughts have destroyed these countries cultural, moral, social foundations.
Although I have a humanistic and hedonic ideologies, but I personally believe on that the religions mission must be in service of humans not humans must be in service of religion! This matter is so important. Because a lot of so terrible crimes and felonies perform by the religious groups of people in these countries, especially Iran! Why? Because most of the Iranian and other middle east countries people haven’t understood and distinguished bad and good religions one another. That is why some of the misled religious sects think they are representative of god and they must commit the worst crimes in the name of god! They kill, sicken,…others in the name of god! They deprive most of people primitive rights in the name of god! They make wretched others in the name of god! They show the satanic face of religion in these countries! These matters can generalize to other despotic irreligious thoughts in these countries too. For example in Iran was predominated law of jungle in pre revolution era too. As if a little so bastard, knavish, philistine, insane groups of people had supposed they were god and almighty!
Although our world situation isn’t good too and law of jungle can generalize to world society too.
I believe on since you live in one of so better world countries than middle east countries, then you can show these societies so bitter facts clearer and freer with the art language !yes! You can go beyond of red lines of Middle East countries norms by art language! For example you can introduce all of criminal gans,…indirectly at least. You can introduce that which persons made blind my father and tortured my parents, especially my so painstaking mother,…for long years! Korean artists can be so useful in order to inform world society!
My dear park shin hye!
I meekly demand you read my past autobiography emails and give them to your media,…!
Don’t let my mom and dad,…bloods be trampled easily!
A lot of Iranian people ignorantly and deliberately justify all of satanic sects so disgusting crimes with this sentence: Come on drink tea!?
It refers to the tea ceremony in Hong Kong districted that has annexed to the china country recently!
My dear park shin hye!
I live in one of the worst regions. I mean Middle East! Middle East countries have a lot of petroleum, gas and other natural recourses. So! In these countries civil societies and secular and democratic systems don’t form easily. The internal and external factors don’t let these countries be developed! You can see that humane right have violated in these countries. On the other hand Middle East countries weather is dry. The amounts of rain in these countries are so little. And these countries aren’t similar Far East countries from this angle at all.
These factors cause these countries religions, customs, folks ,…be so backward and detestable! And secularism, democracy, human right be align words since long years ago. These countries have suffered east despotism from ancient times! Dance, erotic songs,..are taboo among common people unfortunately. Especial these so terrible, detestable matters have seen in the countries alike Iran and Saudi Arabia too more unfortunately!
I have tolerated some of so bad imposed catastrophes in my country too. In the past, in my autobiography I hinted them relatively.
I plan to learn and practice different musical instruments,…in my lifetime! I wish I could go around of world in my living length! I will become so glad, if I meet you and my other favorite actresses, in Korea too!
I wish I could live in your neighborhood!
I love you so much! I love my so dear actresses such as song yu ri,yoo in young,lea young ae,ha ji won,kim tae hee,han ye seul,…a lot! I love your coworkers in the heaven tree series especially, Maya and mika so much! I love haina in the sad love stories series a lot too! I love a lot of Korean actresses,…so much! I don’t remind their name now!
I hereby kiss and smack them from far distance! Send my so lovely message to them a lot!
My dear park shin hye!
I wish I could marry with you! But I have heard you have a fiancée! Congratulation!
I wish I could marry with your other family members alike you! And I wish I could marry with the other girls alike you!
I expect I could see you in korea ,..!I wish I could I come Korea regularly in my longevity!
I wish I could be your neighbor,…too!
Send my deep greet to your male coworkers in the heaven tree series, I mean senior Rio and oppa too! Their plays were so good! In meanwhile send my deep greeting to Mr song il gook too. He has came Iran several times hitherto. Send my deep greet to other Korean so lovely actors too. In my past emails I alluded to the name of some of them.
By the way what means oppa from Korean to English? It seems oppa mean brother. But I heard in some of series that the female called her lover, friend,…to oppa too!
My dear park shin hye!
I am in home by force. Because the criminal gangs intend to kill my brother soon too. On the other hand my brother toleration isn’t possible! Because his mental system has broken down! Because the satanic sects gave an electuary to him too.
Any way I expect I can get rid of from these so bad imposed catastrophes as soon as possible! Because I have a lot of so different plans,wishs,…for my future!
In any case, I am so happy that your car accident haven’t injured to you!
I wish you be so happy, successful and healthy in your praise worthy future ages!
My dearest!
I wish I could see you forever directly!
I expect I could come Korea many times in my longevity!
I wish I could come Korea in current conditions too. But I have no familiar in south Korea! Because I need to an official invitation of letter from Korea. I wish I could pass traineeship courses, korea too!i expect I can find a proportional job in Korea too. I don’t like pure economy. I have a lot of so extracurricular plans for my future. In the past email I hinted them.
My dearest!
I bid farewell you temporarily!
I kiss and bear hug you with the extreme love!
I hope I hear a lot of so glad news about your future successes!
I love you!
Your sincerely
Kaveh yousefzadeh
My dearest park shin hye!
I trouble you again. As I said before I have provided a few interesting Korean romantic series and music again. Two of these series are with your pretty play.
I mean:
2-you are beautiful!
I am seeing the first series eagerly.
I pass from this matter. Afterward, I will say my opinion about the recent Korean series.
As I said before I have tolerated some of so terrible catastrophes in my longevity, especially in recent years. My mom and dad were killed!
Even my mom and dad were tortured for long years in so terrible circumstances!
And my brother will sacrifice soon, I guess.
But my brother toleration is Herculean task. All of my primitive rights have been violated for long years. I have been stayed at home for long years by force. On the other hand my brother toleration is so hard too! No one can tolerate him!
I will become so glad, if you send an invitation letter to me for my coming to Korea as soon as possible.
The expenditure of trip to Korea, including providing of visa, plane ticket, inhabitancy cost as a tourist are so great for me in these current conditions. So I expect you cooperate me in order to remove these expenditures burdens!
I like Korea a lot. If I was rich, I would come Korea 6 times yearly at least forever.
I wish I could meet you and my other Korean superstar actresses regularly in my longevity!
Do you invite me at your home?
I want to become your permanent friend!
By the way, do you intend to marry? I wish I could marry with you or the girls alike you from appearance, personality, age difference,…stances a lot!
If you invite me to Korea, I will set off Korea right away delightfully. I intend to work, recreate, learn, practice musical instruments, athletic courses,…in Korea,…!
Firstly I will accept any job in Korea. For example working in restaurant,….!
My coming to Korea is so useful for me. Even I will do my dental services in Korea too completely.
As I am a freethinker person and my ideology is based on humanitarian and hedonic principles, so a lot of persons have annoyed me a lot deliberately for long years! Then I am at home by force. Because some of malicious persons intend to test me,…apparently!
But as a matter of fact they intend to kill my brother,…and annoy me a lot by him.
Because no one can tolerate my brother even a little. It seems satanic forces have given different electuary substances him too. In my autobiography I said about these matters in more detail.
Anyway, I like to trip around of world permanently. And Korea is my first priority everlasting.
I expect you help me to come Korea as soon as possible. You can issue your invitation letter to my address in Iran. In my end of letter I write my address to you.
My coming to Korea have so good externality for me especially in these so critical imposed conditions.
This matter will become so better, if I can meet you and my other favorite actresses in Korea. In meanwhile I can work,…in Korea with your cooperation!
I have heard my dear lee young ae has born the cute, nice twin babies (girl and boy)recently!
I congratulate her husband and she sincerely!
Kiss her the nice, cute babies a lot from my side!
I expect you send my so deep greet to madam lee young ae,song yu ri,yoo in young,han na na, Song Hye Gyo ,lee shin shang,na in jang,maya,mika,ha ji won,na in jang,youri,sena,hwang jin,heina,han hyo ju,han ji wan,lee bo young(princess sun huwa),han jong su,son ye jin, han ye rin, kim ok bin , hyo min jo ,…a lot too!
I hope that I can meet all of them in Korea many times! I kiss all of these superstar actresses from far distance a lot!
I love them so much!
I love Korean female singers, dancers,…a lot as well!
I hope that I can experience a lot of delightful events in Korea!
Send my sincerely greet to Mr song il gook, Senior Rio,Mr lee wan, Mr kwon sang woo ,… too!
By the way, what is your opinion about your future partner criteria?
I wish I could marry you a lot!
Any way if you send an invitation letter to me, I will become so glad.
I expect you give your address and cell -phone number in Korea to me too. Because as soon as I enter Korea, I expect to come your home!
If this matter isn’t possible for you because of any factor, please send your invitation letter to me at least.
As soon as I enter Korea I intend to range myself!
I love Korea a lot. These so praiseworthy actresses, actors, singers, musicians, series have heighten the Korea rank and position a lot from my viewpoint!
I wish I could trip Korea 6 times yearly at least forever!
I like to live Korea too.
I will become so jolly if I can come korea!
I wait for your answer firstly by email. You can send your future letter through air mail too. As soon as you send your invitation letter to me, I will set off Korea.
I wait for your answer impatiently!
I love you so much!
I kiss you a lot!
Your permanent lover
Kaveh yousefzadeh
My address to Persian language:
اسلام شهر شهرک واوان میدان امام خمینی بلوار مطهری خیابان سپیدار مجتمع سپیدار بلوک 4 طبقه2 واحد 3غربی کاوه یوسف زاده
کد پستی:3317843154
شماره تماس:0228 3170996و09393614080
My address to English language:
Second floor
Building no 4
Sepidar complex
Mottahari street
Imam Khomeini square
Vavan town
Islamshahr city
Tehran province
3317843154 postcode:
My cell phone number:
0098_ 9393614080
Recently I have provided some of so entertaining, interesting, romantic Korean series!
I am watching two of them now. Their name are you are beautiful and heartstrings!
When I saw all of these series (their numbers are more than 8 series),I will declare my comments in a nutshell.
These two series pivotal actress are my dearest park shin hye!
I have heard my dear park shin hye said once that her personality 80 percent has reflected in you are beautiful series!
I frankly assert that the romantic series alike you are beautiful, heartstrings, my girl friend is gumino,…are milliard times better than Iran films,…!
I thanks so much from these so romantic, beautiful series!
I have found my lost thing that I have looked for them from my childhood in Korean romantic series!
I extremely love these kinds of series!
I kiss my so dearest park shin hye,yu hi shi ,…a lot!
I wish that I meet them in Korea,…many times!
Bravo! Bravo! The milliard times bravo for these so beautiful, entertaining series!
I have watched you are beautiful series completely. But I haven’t seen the heartstrings series completely. Because one of its DVD is corrupted. And the end of episode wasn’t clarified. I will request them afterward.
Now, I am watching my girl friend gumino. it seems my dear park shin hye has played in a short scene in bus in this series too!
Anyway, I have found my lost things that I have looked for them from my childhood in these so interesting romantic series!
I have decided to watch a lot of so beautiful romantic Korean series alike these ones in my longevity!
A milliard times bravo!
Afterward, I will send my comments about these 8 and more series in nutshell!
My dear park shin hye I was been familiar your personality by you are beautiful series as well,…,as you said once!
I love you so much! I love my dear yu hi acting, appearance, personality, your rival actress in you are beautiful series so much too! I kiss her from far distance so much too! I kiss my dearest gumino a lot too!
I love these Korean series extraordinary!
My dear park shin hye!
How do you do? I am watching an other romantic korean series named alone in love!
i extraordinary love Korean romantic series, especially when they be original and without censorship!
The romantic Korean series are the best films and series that I have watched in my longevity! I have decided to watch many romantic Korean series from now to my death moment! A milliard bravo to these so amazing series!
I love you forever!
I wish that I met you and other Korean romantic series player in Korea many times!
I love you so much! I love other Korean romantic series actresses and,…a lot too!
Your sincerely
kaveh yousefzadeh
My dearest park shin hye!
I saw a few Korean series in recent months. Two of them were with your so amazing acting!
Their names were heartstrings and you are beautiful!
A milliard bravo to you and your so lovely, professional coworkers! Even 1000 times Watching and hearing of music and songs your series and other romantic Korean series-that I have hinted their names in my different email- don’t saturate me!
Your series reconcile me with film again!
I don’t change your romantic series with one million Iranian,…series at all!
The Korean romantic series heighten the Korean position in world extraordinary from my stance!
Soon, I will declare my new comment about these two series and other Korean series that I had seen them in recent months!
Please wait for my later approaches in a nutshell!
I love you forever!
I wish I could trip a lot to Korea in my longevity! I wish I could see you,…in Korea in your homes!
I kiss you a lot!
Send my so sincerely greet to your entire lovely
Coworkers! In a few minute latter I want to watch the last episode of heartstrings series!
I love these series theme, plays ,songs, music extraordinary! From my childhood I had wished that I watched these kinds of films and series. But unfortunately in those times I wasn’t success to watch these kinds of films!
Now, I decide to watch a lot of Korean romantic series, songs, music for many times in my remainder ages!
I love you so much!
Bravo! A milliard times bravo to your so pretty performance, film themes, music, songs,…(and your coworkers)!they are so cool!
Wait for my new comment in near future!
I love you extraordinary!
Your permanent lover
Kaveh yousefzadeh
I kiss you so much!
Be happy, healthy, and successful forever!
How do you do? I extremely love my Korean superstar actresses!
Especially I love my dear park shin hye so much! I love my dear yoo in young,song yu ri,han na na,ha ji won,na in jang,yu hi(the you are beautiful series actress),lee young ae,… a lot as well!
I wish I could meet them in Korea for many times in my longevity! I wish that I could meet my so pretty actress madam park shin hye by all means! I never satisfy from watching her so amazing acting in the tree heaven; you are beautiful, heartstrings series at all! These series themes, adventures, playing,…are so fantastic, dreamful, attractive! A million time bravo to her and her so expert coworkers! From my childhood, I have looked for to find these kinds of series, but I have found them in recent years! I decide on to provide a lot of these so interesting series, songs,…in my longevity! I yearn to visit her in Korea a lot! I wish I could see these so cute, lovely players in Korea many times too! When I come Korea, I will buy and provide a lot of the so romantic Korean series, songs,…DVDs,. Originally!
Send my so intimately, purely, lovely greets to all of these superstars!
I wish I could live in their neighborhood forever! I love them so much!
Thank you
Best regards
Kaveh yousefzadeh
My dearest park shin hye!
How do you do? I have a requisition from you:
Is it possible you send an invitation letter to me from Korea right now? My comings to Korea have a lot of so positive externalities on me, especially in the current crucial conditions. I can work, refresh,…in Korea. And I can meet and see a lot of my so favorite actresses, superstars particularly you in Korea! All of these so dreamful interests are my permanent wishes!
My dearest madam park shin hye!
As I elaborated in my past emails, I have tolerated some of very terrible disasters in my homeland. I said that my dad and mom were martyred after they were excruciated for long years through satanic sects in final analysis! Satanic forces have been exacerbating one of my brothers nervous systems by give pathogenic substances, concoctions,… for more than 3 decades! They tortured my so sufferer parents, especially my cute, pained mother by my brother for long years too. He most of the times beated and insulted and terrified her (and my father) for more than 2 decades a lot! He beated my mother head, face, teeth, belly, stomach, ovary,…in so cruelly manner many times! If he married in his adolescence times and if he didn’t study in hard university majors alike medical course and if he didn’t use from so pathogenic and destructive medicines, he didn’t become so insane, conscienceless, cruel, Stone hearted, sadist,…person at all. As a matter of fact his anger main reason from more than 3 decades ago to now has put in his libido! And he has been sorrowing from this mater from more than 3 decades ago to now! His instanter remedy was his marriage in his adolescence times at the outset! He didn’t must study in hard university majors and he didn’t refer to so fool, impostor, illiterate, conscienceless, impercipient, …Doctors in those times at all too. As he has been single in these long years, it may he has been masturbating too. But I don’t know that he addict to the masturbation acting or not. As he grew up in a traditional and relatively poor family and considering his society, environmental, cultural so philistinism(especially from its humane and erotic loves sides) and rigid norms and considering his genetic origins,… he must have married in his adolescence times by all means. His marriage in his adolescence times was as alchemy for him, I think! Even if he marries now, his anger and rage lower considerably.
Any way, he has been relieving all of his so cumulative obsessions (especially his repressed sexual instinct) to his family especially his mother, father, I in turn from those times to now!
That is why he has been so sadist, detestable, malicious, seditious, jealous, impolite, aggressive,
Superstitious, obsessive, seeker of pretext, intolerable,…person! That is why he has rampaged and wrangled at home from those times to now. It is a proverb in Iran that its mean is following:
Pour the water on the place that is burning (namely pour water on a lascivious,… person genital organ)! It mean that the libido and lust is the main reason of anger and barbaric and savagely behavior of the persons alike my brother. Again I add that our family has been exposed of some of satanic sects banning, plots, disasters,…from long years ago! As if we had lived in a so dangerous mine field and football stadium from long years ago to now! Some of experts believe on our family destiny and living narrates and incarnates the latest Iranian revolution events that took place in 1979! And as a matter of fact they claim that our family (my parents,…) have paid Iranian revolution cost! But I strongly believe on that the number of criminal and satanic sects don’t restrict to Iran pre-revolution administration merely at all! Instead, a lot of so filthy criminal and mafia bands and sects have been culprit! I expect all of these so worthless, rubbish, bastard, malicious satanic sects and their chiefs and their mercenaries be introduced in so vivid form! Unfortunately this so historical mission never can be performed by Iranian media, broadcasting,…whether they be in Iran or overseas! That is why I expect this so epoch-making mission be fulfilled by foreigner freethinker, noble, liberal think tanks and responsible elites! Anyway satanic forces and Iran tyrannically and satanic and backward systems have stained Iranian moralities, culture,… from ancient times!
Even satanic sects deliberately have been entangling me in recent years in different fields (whether in the work or marriage,… cases) too. They have diverted my marriage and job and even living matters to a hoop-la football game skilfully! As if I was passing mine field or played a donnybrook football game! They have obstructed in my work, marriage,….deliberately for more than 14 years flagrantly. A lot of persons say that we are exposing testing! But as a matter of fact demonist forces intend to kill 3 members of my family by turn proficiently! They indirectly excruciated and killed my parents previously. Now is my unfortunate brother turn! On the other hand satanic sects and mafia bands have broken down and exacerbated his mental systems for more than the 3 decades through give pathogenic medicines, concoctions and his banning,… a lot!
So! His toleration has been being Herculean task in these long years! In recent years they have infected his body to pathogenic substances and incurable internal diseases too! I believe on our family have been targeted satanic forces different conspiracies, disasters from before of my birth too!
I have reminded those shocking facts again for you. Because I expect you see me more! As I am a freethinker, liberal, intelligentsia, open-minded, independent, cognizant, well-informed, intellectual person, then satanic and fascist forces and their worthless imitator mercenaries have been annoying me so more hitherto! Anyway they have entangled me a lot. They have caused that a lot of persons flagrantly accuse me as a liar and visionary person too! And alike my brother, they impudently attribute all of their qualifications to me vice versa!
My dear park shin hye!I personally believe on my coming to Korea have so positive affects on me on condition that my so beautiful dreams be fulfilled in Korea relatively! especially your seeing(and other Korean cute actresses such as madam lee young ae,song yu ri,ha ji won,yoo in young,lee bo young,yu hi,maya,mika, kim tae hee ,heina, han na na,lee shin shang, Asami Reina, Yui Aragaki, ….) Is my permanent wish!
Therefore, is it possible you send an invitation letter and visa to me from Korea? As soon as I reach Korea, I resume my work,… too! Because my fisical situation isn’t good at all. And this matter is so vital and important for me! Then I will sightsee, recreate,…in Korea as well. I can do my dental services in Korea too. Of course with minimum expenditures and maximum efficiency! And if you invite me to your home, I can come your home and inhabit at your home for a while at least! It may my destiny transform completely in Korea.
I will become so glad, if I meet and see you (and your so lovely coworkers,…)in Korea!
Satanic forces intend to prolong my imposed suspension deliberately. Because a lot of persons say me this sentence every time:
Until don’t become 3, don’t become play!
Some of groups of people attribute all of these so terrible oppressions to custom of times and the unfairly and inverse and lyingly terms that dominate in world! Or they say world are administrated through satanic forces in comprehensive and final analysis! And Satan govern world! Although all of these kinds of analyses may incarnate some of so bitter facts that run in world terms relatively, but I don’t accept these kinds of justifications at all! Why? Because these kinds of justification create a new ichnography for justification of future different calamities, oppressions,
Unexpected deaths, massacre, holocaust,…! Even we can not justify all of past disasters,…with these kinds of justifications!
Return to my topic. It may that satanic and fascist forces massacre us (namely whole of my family,…)through their sicken,… afterward silently in turn too! Even I have heard its sinister murmurs by some of people and my kin indirectly too! but if the actresses alike you disclose satanic sects conspiracies through art language and disclose them by media,…, a lot of person including my remainder family members will immune and rescue from satanic sects current and future plots! You can introduce all of gangs and satanic sects and thugs through art language in so vivid form. For example you can show who made blind my father? Who imposed different calamities to my parents,… from long years ago through art language? Who have annoyed us from long years ago?
You can get rid of me from these so intolerable and unforgivable long terms imposed limbo suspension and so filthy football game and defacto conditions too! Please help me,…for revenge! Don’t let my mother, father,…blood be trampled easily! Please introduce all of these so heinous satanic sects and thugs and imposers of different calamities and their so worthless, rubbish, flatterer, detestable mercenaries! Please introduce all of persons that have known themselves as god from olden times to now! Whether they live in overseas or especially in Iran! These so filthy persons sicken, disable, kill,…their victims and spoil all of their victims primitive rights and attribute all of their so terrible crimes to the god will and power! These groups of people must be punished in so cruelly manner! I believe on these groups of people black and dirty hearts must be exploded! All of irreligious and religious satanic and fascist forces skins must be peeled!
Anyway considering the above mentioned matters there are three options respectively from their importance standpoint for me:
(((((At the outset, a lot of persons oblige to apology me a lot! Because they have been oppressing me, my parents,… from long years ago a lot! And their so bad past behaviors against me,… don’t have any justification at all! Their crimes are so worse than the murder felony too! Lacks of severe apology from me (directly and right away) have a lot of so terrible consequences in future naturally! And I promise you that a lot of persons will be shocked and repented from their long terms so heinous, contemptuous deeds and actions against me,…! Accidents don’t give news!)))))
1-my marriage matter must be performed in so reverently manner as soon as possible. At the outset my okay situation must be cleared. Again I notify that I merely marry with my favorite girls. For example I strongly hate middle ages ideologies. Then I don’t marry with the girls with middle ages ideologies! I love freethinker, belle, adolescent, kind, liberal,…girls for marriage! I had said about my future wives requirements in my past emails in detail.
2-the other option is my migration to overseas right now! This matter can perform by other philanthropist groups of people alike you!
3-if these two so important options don’t take place in current circumstances, it necessitate that I receive an invitation letter,…in order to resumption my work in a new workplace except of past places(I mean isfehan university and commerce ministry).because I have so bad memorabilia from those places. And it doesn’t recommend that I go to the mention places at all. Because it may those places revive my father and mother,…martyrdom,…reminiscences !and this matter can have so terrible consequences naturally! In meanwhile as soon as I resume my work,…I pursue my different extracurricular plans! The plans such as: learning and practice my favorite musical instruments, athletic courses, foreign languages and finding my favorite ladyloves for marriage and regular trips to my favorite countries and holding my favorite pets at home and watching my favorite series, plans,…from DVD and satellite apparatus are some of my main permanent extracurricular plans!
So! I expect my future job and traineeship courses and day release,…don’t spoil these so beautiful plans at all! any way as satanic forces have committed a lot of so unforgivable and intolerable crimes against me so far and they have made unemployed me on so futile pretexts for long years and they attribute all of their qualifications to me vice versa and they killed my parents, and they have obstructed on my marriage for more than 13 years,….then I expect my situation be solved in so reverently manner As soon as possible only according to my so praiseworthy recommendations! Again I recall that it had so better that the first option be solved and cleared before of anything! Especially I personally don’t recommend the third option in current situation firstly at all! But these matters don’t mean that these so long term imposed limbo and hellish conditions be extended any longer! Satanic forces have taken and spoiled my adolescence and youth times through their different so filthy plots and actions against me,…! And their crimes against me never will have forgiven! Any more deliberated lag isn’t acceptable any longer at all.
Other options are my severely abhorrence case. Because I have tolerated some of so terrible catastrophes in my longevity. Satanic forces have banned me for 14 years ago in practice too! Even they murdered my parents in turn too! So! I expect my situation be cleared in so reverently manner according to my clear offers right away! And these long terms imposed hellish and limbo conditions don’t prolong any longer! Because it seems satanic forces intend to extend these long terms hellish imposed circumstances till my uncle and brother be sacrificed in turn! On the other hand my brother toleration has been Herculean task from 30 years ago! If you be instead of me, you kill and behead him! Because he always rampage and wrangle at home a lot! As a matter of fact he wants to relieve all of his cumulative obsessions with this arm. In meanwhile satanic forces have given different pathogenic and electuary substances him! Because they want to kill him by gradual torture on the one hand and they want to annoy me by him on the other hand! They want to extend my long term imposed suspension too! It seems satanic forces intend that I nurse my brother in practice! Because every one has banned him! My mother (and father) held him by themselves last years! And I hold him by myself now! My brother transfers all of his stresses at our home environment! He has changed our home to dustbin too! He doesn’t have any conscience! He has caused other malicious, sadist, jealous, obsessive, Ignorant,…persons misuse from our family situations and they exacerbate our conditions in practice too. Although satanic forces and their mercenaries sickened my brother to mental and physical diseases, but every one be instead of me and encounter with my brother, suffocate him right away!
Because his toleration is Herculean task! And I control myself a lot! Because no one can tolerate my brother and every one ban him in practice! My patience has a certain threshold! Any way satanic forces misuse from their powers a lot! It necessitate that they severely be punished as soon as possible! Unfortunately my country civilization basics has based on imposture, superstition, oppression, lie, historical fakes from ancient times! So in order to save my country from its so detestable historical roots, it necessitate Iran bid Farwell with its ancient,… history forever and throw it to lavatory! Iran must revive and reborn again and write a new history for itself!
Any moment it may my brother dies as a result of the pulmonary disease or the heart halt or infectious diseases! All of these diseases have created by satanic forces! In meanwhile satanic forces are playing with me! As if I was playing football with a lot of satanic sects and their so heinous, worthless, ignorant, malignant mercenaries!
In recent years I have watched some of historical amorously Korean series! As a matter of fact they have been masterpiece works, from my viewpoint! I haven’t seen the so good and fabulous and attractive and interesting films and series alike the modern and historical Korean romantic series from my childhood to now!
The historical series alike soedang, hwangjin, chuno(hunters of slaves), dance in heavens, jewel in palace! One of these series main purports is depicting the so terrible adventures that had ran in Korea ancient royal courts! As an ordinary seer I watch some of the Korea gloomy eras in these series. In these series we can watch limitless Korean aristocrat powers and oppression and imposture vividly! Instead, Most of people lived alike slaves! The aristocrats could disable, made blind, kill, rape,…their slaves, surfs simply! They had divinely powers in their society! In addition, those aristocrats and royal court staffs hadn’t any cruel, sentiment one another too. And they conspired one another mostly! Although it may most of those series historical facts were exaggerated too! But those so terrible adventures that took place in Korea ancient royal courts can generalize to a lot of world countries circumstances even in contemporary epoch! When I watch these kinds of series, I remind my family bitter fate! For example my father blindness wasn’t a natural phenomenon at all. When I watch that how a slave and agent became exposed to Korean aristocrats and royal court satanic conspiracies, for instance they became disabled or blind by aristocrats and royal court and king order, I remind my father, mother,…bitter fate easily. As if my father, mother,…lived in those so detestable and oppressively and gloomy aristocratic society !and history again repeats! As a matter of fact my father was blind by satanic sects in Iran (alike Korean slaves)! But no one justify this so important matter in Iran so far vividly and in public and officially! Instead, a lot of persons assign a lot of these kinds of so terrible calamities as natural phenomena! They impudently say that my mom and dad had natural deaths! As a matter of fact they lie deliberately or ignorantly! They say that no one made blind my father,…! In finally they ironically say me this sentence:
Come on drink tea! It refers to the tea ceremony that took place in the Hong Kong area in last years (an autonomic district that was the Britain colony previously and it has annexed to the china country in recent years)!
That is why I love these Korean series a lot! Because they overpass from the so common and cliches and superficial artistic works frames in world arena! And from my viewpoint this matter is as a so huge achievement and praiseworthy action for art mission in world! Especially when a Korean romantic and historical series filmmaker insert and add the so pure and natural and romantic and dreamful and virgin love adventures among his/her protagonists,… in exaggerated form, the mention series popularity, attraction,….increase considerably! That is why I abhor watching the historical works in bared form and without any aesthetic sides!
Yes! The Korean gloomy era facts in some of ancient historical epochs generalize to other countries historic eras facts even in the contemporary century!
That is why I love these kinds of series purports,…a lot. Because other countries people can generalize those so gloomy eras facts to their countries historical facts and their family circumstances spontaneously as well! I haven’t seen the series alike these kinds of so interesting, meaningful, beautiful, romantic series whether the Iranian or foreign series in my longevity! A milliard times bravo to these Korean series filmmakers, players, singers,…!
Even watching the Korean series that their themes are related to modern times exult and rejoice and ecstasize me considerably too. I never saturate and satisfy from watching the so interesting series alike sad love story, heartstrings, you are beautiful, tree of heaven,…, even I watch them a million times! If I have more leisure times, I watch them for many times in my longevity!
In finally, I wait for your philanthropic tasks, if you can do them, surely!
I have no more to say! Send my so deep greet to all of the above mentioned superstars and other Korean nice, lovely players from my wholeheartedly!
I love Korean romantic series, songs,…extraordinary!
Even hearing the Korean romantic series songs increase my abilities in different arenas (such as studying, working, sport, refreshment,…)amazingly!
Unfortunately I have discovered this so important matter in recent months! I wish that I have heard them from my childhood times! I intend to provide a so powerful wireless MP3,…for hearing the Korean romantic and erotic series ,…songs in order to enhancement of my efficiencies in different arena as soon as possible! Because they have miraculously affects on enhancement of my efficiency, morale,…in different arenas simultaneously! Whether in my work, study, sport, concentration,… fields or in my refreshment and recreation fields simultaneously! But this matter doesn’t apply on other songs that belong to Iran and other countries music and songs that I have heard so far! This matter importance become so more, when I am studying, working,…! Because hearing of Korean romantic and amorously series,… songs increase my concentration,…a lot! And it refreshes me and revives my morale and increases my precision simultaneously as well!
I bid farewell you temporarily!
I kiss you so much!
Take care yourself,…! Because it seems satanic sects and fascist forces have scattered around of world! They sicken, entangle, conspire, make old,…their victims through misusing from latest technological achievements and their so powerful mafia sway and pervasion in different world organizations,… easily! They have a lot of astray, rascal, knavish, imitator,…mercenaries in around of world, I think!
Again I kiss you so much!
Be happy, successful, and healthy forever!
Your permanent lover
Kaveh yousefzadeh
Revised on:5/7/2013
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