“Arang And Magistrate” Showed Photo of Yoo Seung Ho’s Character

Before start running on August 15th, more spoiler unveiled from MBC’s up-coming drama “Arang and Magistrate”, finally Yoo Seung Ho’s character “The Great Jade Emperor” appeared. On that fantasy sageuk drama,  Yoo Seung Ho makes special appearance through the god character.

The great jade emperor is one of the most important character on Arang’s mission to solve the mystery behind her death. From the legend , as a god, The Great Jade Emperor is known as the charismatic figure, but he also has the humanity side, he loves the art, women, peaches, and gambling, the  point is eventhough he is a god, he likes to have fun in human’s way, hence he also known as the player.

On this drama Yoo Seung Ho wants to create a new look for that character. Anyway, with that long hair (but quite different on  “Warrior Baek Dong Soo”) i think Yoo Seung Ho is so pretty as a girl.  :?

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