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Lee Hong Ki Confirmed To Movie Project “Our Heaven” (우리들의 천국)

My favorite vocalist, Lee Hong Ki from FT Island, will make his debut on movie project. He already confirmed to involved on movie “Our Heaven” (우리들의 천국). This is not his first experience on acting, before he played so playful and energetic on “You Are Beautiful” and also on trans boundary mini drama “Noriko Goes […]

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FT Island’s “Hello Hello”: Nice Composition

I’ll probably sound unfair if you compare this article to my review on 2PM’s “Hands Up”, but I think if you really listen to this song, you’ll get something stick in you mind afterward. I found this song quite bizzare with the combination of FTIsland’s-Japanese-Rock-style and some sort of 19th century puppet show/ opera song….you […]

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“Love, Love, Love” From Ft.Island

Always fun to listen to the songs from Ft.Island, including their latest single, “Love, Love, Love” from their latest album “Beautiful Journey”. Personally I like Lee Hong Ki’s voice, simple and fun. The music in this song sounds funny and familiar, and also fun seeing the MV. When watching this MV, I imagined the personnels […]