Lee Seung Gi on Military Camp for “The King 2Hearts”

Actually on March 2nd, MBC released more photos of Lee Seung Gi for anticipating “The King 2Hearts” that will be released on March 14th. Sorry i missed these photos.

This time Seung Gi looked sit down calmly and comfortably on the snow. The shooting took place on NBC (Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical) training camp. To improve his acting as prince slash sergeant Lee Jae Ha, Lee Seung Gi also received a brief technical military training.

On this bleak rom-com drama, Lee Jae Ha is just an amateur soldier. He needs some help from a trained-soldier like Kim Hang Ah (Ha Ji Won), but then their relationship grows into a marriage arrangement.

And looking Seung Gi turns into a private, i think he’s ready for his duty as a good citizen. The military service for two years, right? Maybe after finishing this project he will be enlisted, soon or later he must go, that’s the ugly fact!

[info and images source]

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