Lee Seung Gi’s Variety Show “Table for 100” Is Canceled

Ough..this news is really disappointing. We failed to see our variety show prince, Lee Seung Gi on small screen regularly, since SBS canceled his up-coming variety show “Table for 100.” The official said they doubt the show will be able to compete with other similar show, they weren’t not confident with concept.

Not only stared by Lee Seung Gi, “Table for 100” was planned  to be taken by Shin Hyo Jung, former producer of  “2Days 1 Night”. The show’s concept is not too different from “2 Days 1 Night” , on “Table for 100” every week Lee Seung Gi will visit different areas of Korea, but this time he will focus on introducing and enjoying various local cuisines.

Actually I’m still confused. This project is canceled or just postponed because the representative state that they promised to look for the right concept for this Lee Seung Gi and Shin Hyo Jung’s next project. Yeah..please bring the loveable Seung Gi to the small screen again soon..I miss witty and smart figure like him…

[info and image source]

2 Responses to Lee Seung Gi’s Variety Show “Table for 100” Is Canceled

  1. i agree, i wish seunggi never left the show 2daysand1night if this is going to happen. Such a waste for an intelligent actor.

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