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Best Actor/Actress 2012 KBS Drama Awards Goes to Song Jung Ki, Yoo Joon Sang, & Moon Chae Won

2012 KBS Drama Awards got tough competition for Best Actor Awards. The nominees were our favorite actors, like Song Jung Ki, Uhm Tae Woong, Joo Won, etc. But as the result was out, we got the winner(s). Song Jung Ki (Nice Guy) and Yoo Joon Sang (My Husband Got a Family) have to share the […]

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Best Couple Awards for Song Jung Ki and Moon Chae Won at 2012 KBS Drama Awards

Through drama Nice Guy our nice guy Song Jung Ki and his partner at the drama, Moon Chae Won, won Best Couple Awards at 2012 KBS Drama Awards. Actually, along with them, there are 3 more lovely couples who won this awards. Our on screen lovely husband and wife, Kim Nam Ju and Yoo Jun […]

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Joo Won and Suzy Got the Popularity Awards at 2012 KBS Drama Awards

Joo Won and Suzy got the Popularity Awards at 2012 KBS Drama Awards. Joo Won of course through his phenomenal drama “Gaksital”.  And Korea’s “First Love” girl Suzy got this award through her drama “Big”. Thankfully, Joo Won was not teary at this first awards of the  night…which means I’m sure there more awards for […]

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Joo Won Sang Gaksital’s Opening OST at 2012 KBS Drama Awards

2012 KBS Drama Awards had an attractive opening by Joo Won. Our Gaksital surprised me when he started singing Gaksital opening OST with a very high note voice. Oh yeah, Joo Won, he used to be known as an actor who sang well . But this opening was great. There were a choir of men with […]