The Singing and The Passionate Kiss on Brain Episode 19
I thought this drama has getting a bit dull since they extend it from the original episode, but I was absolutely wrong [OF COURSE, RIZZ]. I’ve been struggling to dechiper Dr. Lee’s complicated mind and reaching the final episodes, I started to understand him.
With Jang Yoo Jin’s daughter hospitalized in Chunha and Kang Hoon showed some care for both Yoo Jin and Ruby, I thought his feelings would waver from Ji Hye, but the writer tricked me. The love story has finally lifted up to the surface again and Kang Hoon’s real feelings to Ji Hye was getting clear. And he also made it clear with Jang Yoo Jin by saying that the feelings he had for Yoo Jin was merely like brother-sister. Awwww…
There’s a funny scene when Kang Hoon tried to tail Ji Hye secretly after visiting Kim Sang Cheol, who just started to gain back consciousness. Ji Hye sensed Dr.Lee was foolishly tried to follow her without being noticed. She then just asked out loud, “What do you want??”
And Lee Kang Hoon, with his cool expression told Ji Hye that she would be involved in the international paper writing as his assistant. It was after previously Kang Hoon rejected her harshly when she’s obviously very eager to be involved.
However, Ji Hye’s condition was not well. She’s overworked and actually got sick. But she didn’t tell Kang Hoon and just kept doing her best to finish the paper. As the result for this, she got scolded by Kang Hoon in front of the class that she had made lots of mistakes despite her promise to Kang Hoon to work very hard for this. Surprised but very got used to it, Ji Hye just promised him to redo and rewrite the analysis and writing.
Lee Kang Hoon found the revision on his desk with a note from Ji Hye. Then he looked for her around the hospital, but found her nowhere, until he heard Bong Soon on the corridor receiving a call from the sick Ji Hye at home. She asked him to replace her on a surgery duty. Lee Kang Hoon asked Bong Soon what happened to Ji Hye and where was she? Bong Soon told him what he knew. When Kang Hoon called her, she couldn’t pick it up.
After treating Ruby (and sewing her broken doll and told her to start calling Yoo Jin “mom” instead of just her name) and told Jang Yoo Jin that he cared for her like a brother, Lee Kang Hoon decided to pay a visit to Ji Hye’s place. At first he rang the bell, no respond. He called, no respond. He’s about to leave…but then decided to break in. He tried to crack the door safety code by guessing the possible numbers. He remembered the day Ji Hye gave him her brain picture: 0216. And voilla! It opened.
Kang Hoon found Ji Hye trembling and got cold from a bad fever and decided to stay to take care of her.
He really did care for her. No, he really does love her! (Another aww moment ) Just look at his worry expression. And then Ji Hye gained consciousness and very surprised him when she suddenly asked, “Why are you here?” Kang Hoon was actually jerked out “Gee, all of a sudden! Why didn’t you tell me that you’re sick? You do it on purpose, don’t you? So it’ll make me feel sorry, but you know what, I don’t feel sorry.” He held his tone high.
Then Kang Hoon prepared to leave. He said if Ji Hye wanted him to order some food for her. Ji Hye said she didn’t. Instead, she wanted him to sing her a song. “Ha! This person turned out to be mental (crazy) because of the fever,” Kang Hoon kept his cynical high tone. “You…have even made my lunar birth date as your door safety code.” Ji Hye just pull up the blanket and said, “I get it, just go then!”
Lee Kang Hoon took some firm steps leaving, but surprisingly he turned back and sat on the bed. “Oh really…” he sighed, between panic and a will to do anything for the girl he loves. Then he prepared himself and (another) surprisingly started to sing…a very sad song. It’s about a person who’s left by someone he loved, but tried to be strong.
Ji Hye was so touched that she got up and cried. OMG, she’s so beautiful, especially with her hair that way and her melancholic face with those teary eyes…no wonder Kang Hoon took the next movement
Lee Kang Hoon kept singing, but he turned back facing Ji Hye. With Ji Hye looking hot like that, he ended the song with a passionate kiss.
One more episode to go…and I love the way Lee Kang Hoon expressed his love and his need for Ji Hye to be by his side. I’ll post it here soon
[by Rizz]
February 7, 2012 - 5:18 am
I love this show.
June 2, 2014 - 4:35 am
this drama is the best wow
August 24, 2014 - 9:50 am
It was really Lovely..
September 5, 2014 - 8:19 am
I love the actor Lee
September 11, 2014 - 7:30 pm
That was REALLY lovely I’m looking forward to see that episode!
I realy love this movie especially Dr.Lee & Youn Ji Hye they are so lovely & smart!and They are the best couple in this movie!