You’ve Fallen For Me (Heartstrings) Episode 13 Summary

Suk Hyeon ran to the office to ask for explanation from many people. He went to the chairman of the school, but he said he couldn’t do anything about it. Then he was after Hee Joo’s mom, but the wicked queen said the performance had been causing so much problem since the beginning, that’s why she didn’t want to have a rumour spread out. Suk Hyeon then asked Tae Joon if he’s behind it all. Tae Joon of course denied it.

When Suk Hyeon delivered the confirmation to the kids, they’re very upset. Sa Rang and the gang cried out histerical.

Everyone told Joon Hee to call Hee Joo to ask her what’s actually going on. Hee Joo turned off her phone, so Joon Hee came to her house. He asked her if she really didn’t want to do the performance. Hee Joo lied saying she didn’t. But Joon Hee said,”I trust you. I’ll wait for you to come back.”

Shin was comforting the very sad Kyu Won. He said that she could participate again next year. Kyu Won said she wasn’t sure about that, but the director wouldn’t be there next year so she’s not participating. Shin then said, “Well, at least you’ve found Lee Shin, the most famous guy in the university.” When Kyu Won told him to stop being arrogant, Shin said, “I’m not arrogant. I’m just that great.” Yeahhh, whatever, shin :mrgreen:

Suk Hyeon suddenly got a phonecall from an agency man. He heard about the cancelation of the performance and that’s why he’s offering Suk Hyeon to go back to Broadway to let them have a particular play to be performed there.

Shin went home and told his mom what’s going on. Then his mom said that it’s a common thing happened even in her time. She said she and friends then came up with an idea of performing ilegally in front of the school and got trouble for that. And that information just gave Shin a good idea.

Shin immediately share the idea with Kyu Won, and the next morning they both rushed to the school to convinced the other kids to persuade Suk Hyeon to support them. But Soo Myeong came with a bad news. The director was about to off to Broadway.

The kids told Suk Hyeon their plan. Yoon Soo back them up. Sa Rang and the gang made a dramatic beg. Suk Hyeon finally decided to stay.

Then it’s time to talk to the chairman and the other professors. Suk Hyeon insisted on doing this even without any sponsors. All he needed was the chairman’s permission to proceed. He said as an alumni he wouldn’t do anything that would damage the school image. Watching Suk Hyeon determination and Yoon Soo loyal to his side, the chairman gave his permission.

Suk Hyeon then told the kids that their next problem was the funds. Kyu Won was thinking about holding an auction, but Shin had a better idea. He gave his earning from Catharsis performance. And then Sa Rang also gave up her nose-surgery money.

So everyone could start preparing for the event. They started making posters and continue on practicing. And as for Kyu Won, she still needed to practice her dance under Yoon Soo coaching. She worked so hard for this.

On her way home with Shin, Kyu Won felt the after-exercise pain. So Shin let her have a seat to rest and he volunteerly gave her a foot massage. Oowwh, what a boyfriend! Kyu Won was touched, so she decided to gave Shin a quick kiss on the forehead.

In the same time, Kyu Won’s dad and Shin’s mom was on their way back home together when suddenly Shin’s mom tripped her step. Kyu Won’s dad offered her to give her a hold on the hand, helping her walk. That’s when the two pairs met on the street.

Shin’s mom told her son that he need nothing to worry about. She had no other-than-friends relationship with Kyu Won’s dad. Kyu Won’s dad told his daughter that the woman was his first love, but they had moved on. So the kids shouldn’t have anything to worry about.

Kyu Won and Shin shared what their parents told them. Kyu Won said to Shin that she might be his noona if their had married back then. She said because she’s 3 months older than him. Shin then offered to sing a lullaby for Kyu Won. Ahh, this is what you get when you have a musician boyfriend who loves you so much?? Okay, get me one, please.. :mrgreen:

The Windflower and The Stupid performed together at Catharsis to promote the performance’s ending song. The result was quite cool.

After the show, as always, girls were after Shin. But strangely this time, he let himself taking pictures together with his fans. My reaction was like: “Yahhh! Have you taken the wrong medicine or something?!!” Shin definitely has changed A LOT.

Kyu Won just watched from afar and gave him this look:

Back home, Lee Dong Jin finally let his son live at home again after getting through some “agreements”.

Han Hee Joo made a lof thoughts. And then on the day of her surgery, she decided to come to the practice a school. She had Joon hee helped her fled from the hospital.

Hee Joo came in the middle of the practice, causing the tense in the atmosphere when she said the performance wouldn’t go without the leading female. Shin stepped to the front, “Han Hee Joo, are you crazy? You quit without saying anything and now you come and saying this?”

But the decision was on Kyu Won. And yeahh, Kyu Won acts naive as she always does. She let the show for Hee Joo.

Shin went after her to tell her that if she wanted to cry, she could cry in front of him. Shin had been doing a great job as a boyfriend.

Suk hyeon talked to Hee Joo and said that she’s actually a bit annoying this time. But Hee Joo kind of knew her place and told him that she’d teach the still lacking Kyu Won. Kyu Won at first quite reluctant practicing under Hee Joo’s coaching. But in her synical way of speaking, she encouraged Kyu Won to do the best for the performance.

Suk Hyeon just found out about how serious Hee Joo’s illness was when Hee Joo’s mom burst in his office and told him that her daughter could lose her voice forever if she sing just once again. Suk Hyeon then came to Hee Joo to ask her why she never told him this and made he felt so worry. Kyu Won found the news overwhelming. Han Hee Joo wasn’t the villain in the story. She just a pitty girl who suffered alone.

After the last practice that day, Suk hyeon told the kids to have a nice dinner and a good rest to prepare themselves for tomorrow’s D-day. Everyone was so exicted.

The day of the performance had finally come. Suk Hyeon made a brief encouraging speech for the kids before the show. He said after all these times, the day had finally come and so he believed in the kids and wish them for the best.

Shin came to the make up room to share his nervousness with Kyu Won. Shin was so nervous. Kyu Won then said, “Wasn’t it you who taught me that everytime you get nervous, all you need to do is just to take a look at the audience and say the spell: you’ve fallen for me?” She did it the same way Shin did to her:

“Lee Shin, fighting!”

The performance finally started. Many students and families come to watch the show. People was so surprise when Han Hee Joo appeared instead of Kyu Won. What actually happened?

Then suddenly Gi Yeong did this in his performance???

What the… I thought this cutie youthful drama would be free from the “topless man scene trend”, but apparently I was so wrong.

And there we came to the closing part when the leading roles had to do the duet. Shin made a very cool guitar solo performance for an intro. Everyone who knew Hee Joo’s condition was so nervous. But apparently Hee Joo did the lipsync with Kyu Won singing on the back of the stage. Shin kept looking to the place where Kyu Won singing in hide place. And Kyu Won sang the song with a tear on her cheek.

Apparently Kyu Won had contacted Hee Joo on the last minutes, giving the stage to her. I’m very upset of that angelic-heart idea. I mean, no one should ever give her stage to other person when she had put a lot of effort on it. I could feel Shin’s desperate feeling and Kyu Won’s sadness…Too much sacrify for Kyu Won who had put so much effort for the show all these times..

3 Responses to You’ve Fallen For Me (Heartstrings) Episode 13 Summary

  1. what’s the title of the lullaby that Lee Shin sings in this episode? and who’s the singer? Thanks.

    • Hi Michele,

      I’m not sure what exactly the title of the song…but it’s probably “Smile” or most people just say “Shin’s Comforted Song”. And I guess it’s one of the songs that originally composed by Young Hwa and sung by himself too..
      I’m not really sure about the exact information…maybe someone out there can help me here?

      But if you’re looking for this song on Youtube, just use “smile shin’s comfort song” hint then it’ll lead you to the song ;)


  2. There was a trailer of a drama at the end of the episode, can anyone tell me what’s the name of that drama? It looks interesting..

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