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The Mysterious Poster from “Ghost” (유령)

The main poster from “Ghost”(유령) looked  so creepy, Okay i agree with Rizz here. I think So Ji Sub’s expressionless cold face that makes this poster mysterious. if you see the title and this poster, i bet you think this is a horror drama. But wait a minute, this drama will not involve the spirit […]

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So Ji Sub’s Ghost (유령) Unveiled Video Teaser

“Ghost” (유령) will be released next week, May 30 to follow up “Rooftop Prince” at SBS, then for anticipating SBS has released teaser video for that drama. The writer, Kim Eun Hee, once again created an action-science drama after “Sign” (2010), but from the theme, the cyber crime, i think “Ghost” will be more tense, […]

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“Ghost” Revealed The Leading Characters’ Pictures

On May 5th, SBS new drama, “Ghost”, showed the charismatic two lead characters, they filming on rooftop of a building, because the scene is related to a helicopter. From the blue nuance of these pictures i can guess that this drama is pretty serious. So Ji Sub and Lee Yeon Hee appeared so charismatic and […]

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Lee Yeon Hee Reunites With So Ji Sub for “Ghost” (유령)

Finally the official find the girl for So Ji Sub on SBS summer drama “Ghost“(유령). On March 22nd, Lee Yeon Hee agreed to act on this detective drama. Last year was too bad for Lee Yeon Hee, her drama “Paradise Ranch” was not too success but on late 2011 she had a small part on […]

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Poster from Jang Dong Gun’s War Movie “My Way”

This trans boundary movie is planned to be released on December 22nd,so recently  “My Way” released the main poster. Since it’s a war movie, the poster shows the war atmosphere, the leading roles, Jang Dong Gun and Jo Odagiri on the foreground. But this movie does not only talk about world war II. The main […]

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Lee Yeon Hee Join on Jo In Sung’s New Movie

Good news! Soon, Lee Yeon Hee will come back on big screen after three years recess from drama or movie project. and the news is better since she will play alongside with Jo In Sung on “Kwonbup” (권법). With the setting on the future, Lee Yeon Hee will play as a mysterious girl, Rei, whose […]


Lee Yeon Hee’s Spring-Summer fashions for Bazaar

Actually, I decided to write this article because I love Lee Yeon Hee’s pretty dresses she’s wearing on this photo shoot for Harper’s  Bazaar. The dresses look simple but elegant, represent the spring-summer season. I didn’t follow her latest drama “Paradise Ranch”, but I like Lee Yeon Hee’s acting in several dramas and movies. She’s […]

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