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Bandage \ Go Soo \ Han Hyo Joo \ Love 911 \ 반창꼬
Go Soo Looks Dashing as Fire Fighter on “Bandage”
The stills of Go Soo as the stiff fire fighter, Kang Il, for up-coming romantic movie “Bandage” (반창꼬) or “Love 911” revealed to the public. In uniform Go Soo looks so dashing try to conquer the fire, and even though his face looks dirty his handsome face still there. “Bandage” is a romantic movie about […]

Ji Sung \ Kim Ah Jong \ Lee Bo Yeong \ My P.S. Partner
Ji Sung Shows Off His Abs for “My P.S Partner”
For his new romantic comedy movie “My P.S Partner” that rated as adult movie , Ji Sung shows off his abs, not only one..but twice! and of course his abs doesn’t dispointed at all..his body looks perfect and HOT. When i was looking these still cuts just popped up in my head..”whoaa..Lee Bo Yeong is really […]

Ji Sung \ Kim Ah Jong \ My P.S. Partner \ 나의PS파트너
“My P.S Partner” Unveiled The Seductive Poster
Ji Sung and Kim Ah Jong made naughty pose on poster for their romance-comedy movie “My P.S Partner”. This rated R movie itself will be officially released on December. The romance begin when Yoon Jeong (Kim Ah Jong) feels desperate with her boyfriend, after five years together, that man didn’t purpose her. Yoon Jeong is […]

Doctor Jin \ Song Seung Hun \ The Messenger \ 전령
Song Seung Hun Continues Sageuk Genre on New Movie
Apparently Song Seung Hun has comfortable on historical project. He will continue his time travel, after becoming a doctor on “Time Slip Doctor Jin”, on his next project he will become the messenger. The sageuk movie titled “The Messenger” (tentative). Song Seung Hun already confirmed that he will slips further for this movie, he will […]

Jackal Is Coming \ Jaejoong \ Kim Jae Joong \ Song Ji Hyo \ 자칼이 온다
“Jackal Is Coming” Revealed Posters of The Main Characters
After performing in Busan International Film Festival this month, the up-coming action-comedy movie “Jackal Is Coming” ready for official released on November. As an anticipation, the posters of the main characters already revealed to the public. On those posters, the heroine Song Ji Hyo looks so splendid with the assassins pose, hold the gun and […]

Cecilia Chung \ Dangerous Liaisons \ Jang Dong Gun \ Marie Claire \ Zhang Zi Yi \ 위험한 관계
Jang Dong Gun Shows His Dangerous Charm on Marie Claire
Our perfect gentleman transforms into a bad boy on Marie Claire magazine. Jang Dong Gun becomes so dangerous and hot on this magazine as one of the anticipation for his up-coming movie “Dangerous Liaisons”. On this pictorial, Jang Dong Gun shows is dark and mysterious side. Did he put the eyeliner??? It doesn’t matter, he […]

A Werewolf Boy \ Harper's Bazaar \ Nice Guy \ Park Bo Yeong \ Song Jung Ki \ 늑대소년
Song Jung Ki Turns So Blue on Bazaar for “A Werewolf Boy”
Lately, Song Jung Ki makes the buzzing due to his role on “Nice Guy”, and recently he appears on Bazaar for anticipating his up-coming movie “A Werewolf Boy” (늑대소년). The movie that he plays alongside with Park Bo Yeong already screening on The 37th Toronto International Film Festival this mid-September. Taking the setting on 1965, […]

Alumnus \ Big Bang \ Choi Seung Hyun \ TOP
TOP Got Injury While Filming “Alumnus”
September 21st, YG Entertainment announced that TOP (Choi Seung Hyun) got injury while filming movie “Alumnus”. On fighting scene, unfortunately his back hand scratched deep by glass fragment. Immediately TOP was brought to the hospital. He needed small surgery for his wound. Although just minor injury but TOP need more rest on hospital. YG entertainment […]

A Company Man \ So Ji Sub \ W \ W Korea \ 회사원
So Ji Sub Gets Rough for W Korea
For anticipating his new movie “A Company Man” that will be released on October 11, recentely So Ji Sub appears on W Korea magazine and shows his ruggedly charms. He posed with wounded style, as if he is the leader of gangster who’s wounded after the gangsters war. With those poses, the messy appearance, the […]
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