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Choi Ji Woo \ Go So Yeong \ Han Ga In \ Han Hyo Joo \ Jang Dong Geon \ Jang Dong Gun \ Jeon Hye Jin \ Jeong Joon Ho \ Kim Hyeo Jin \ Kim Tae Hee \ Kwon Sang Woo \ Lee Beom Soo \ Lee Byeong Heon \ Lee Byung Hun \ Lee Cheon Hee \ Lee Min Jeong \ Yeon Jeong Hoon \ Yoo Ji Tae
The Stars In Lee Byung Hun & Lee Min Jeong’s Wedding
Most of the guests in Lee Byung Hun and Lee Min Jeong’s wedding are all Korean superstars. Of course, as the couple are also superstars! Named it Jang Dong Gun-Go So Yeong couple, Yeon Jeong Hoon-Han Ga In couple, Jeong Joon Ho-Lee Ha Jeong couple, Kwon Sang Woo-Son Tae Yeong couple, Song Seung Heon, Kim […]

Kwon Sang Woo \ Queen of Ambition \ Soo Ae \ Yawang
“Queen Of Ambition’ (Yawang) Begins Filming
For airing early next year, “Queen of Ambition” or “Yawang” (야왕), the filming has begin. Kwon Sang Woo and Soo Ae as leading roles already got the first shot on December 12, at Seo Gang University. “Queen of Ambition” focus on Da Hae (Soo Ae), the girl with an ambition to release from poverty. But […]

Kwon Sang Woo \ Soo Ae \ Yawang
Kwon Sang Woo and Soo Ae Are Locked Together on SBS’s New Drama
Kwon Sang Woo and Soo Ae already sign up for up-coming monday-tuesday drama from SBS “Yawang” or known “Queen of Ambition”, this drama planned to be released for early next year, start on January. Beside Kwon Sang Woo, the person behind “Yawang” is the same person for “Daemul”, manhwa writer, Park In Kwon. “Yawang” is […]

Han Hyo Joo \ Jung Ryeo Won \ Kwon Sang Woo \ Only You \ Pain \ So Ji Sub
Kwon Sang Woo-So Ji Sub: Our Romantic Guys Compete for Autumn
Two of Korea’s hottest actors, Kwon Sang Woo and So Ji Sub have many similarities: cool, sexy, dashing, mysterious, and the most important is they are both expert on romantic melodrama genre. For this year their romantic movie will be released in autumn, about September. Kwon Sang Woo through “Pain” will appear as Nam Soon, […]

Jung Ryeo Won \ Kwon Sang Woo \ Pain \ The Pain
Kwon Sang Woo, Injuries so Badly for “Pain”
Kwon Sang Woo’s new movie that he plays along side with Jung Ryeo Won, “Pain” published another stills from filming location. One of those pictures showed Kwon Sang Woo had injuries, bruise, bleeding on his face. But don’t worry, he didn’t really have injuries. It’s just due to his role on this movie. His role, […]

Jung Ryeo Won \ Kwon Sang Woo \ Pain
Kwon Sang Woo Never Feel Pain in “The Pain”
After wrapping “Daemul,” Kwon Sang Woo took a brief rest, and now he’s coming back with a movie project, “The Pain”. This movie seems to be quite interesting from the storyline. The title, “The Pain,” is an irony because the leading role actually can’t feel pain. Because of an accident when he was child, Kwon […]

Daemul \ Go Hyeon Jeong \ Ha Ji Won \ Hyun Bin \ Kwon Sang Woo \ SBS Drama Award \ Secret Garden
From SBS 2010 Drama Awards
Our first female president, Go Hyeon Jeong, got the highest award in the SBS 2010 Drama Awards, Daesang Award. Her acting in “Daemul” was so remarkable. I’m used to look her role as a fighter woman and I liked it, so girl power. She deserved the award indeed. In addition to Go Hyeon Jeong, Kwon […]

Athena \ Cha Seung Won \ Daemul \ Hyun Bin \ Jeong Woo Seong \ Kwon Sang Woo \ Secret Garden
SBS Has Many Gentleman
Blessed SBS viewers! They are pampered by beautiful faces at the end of this year. SBS broadcast “Secret Garden”, “Daemul”, and “Athena: Goddess of War”, all dramas bring handsome faces, good bodies, and sexy ass: Hyun Bin, Kwon Sang Woo, Jeong Woo Seong, and Cha Seung Won. “Secret Garden” and “Daemul” already running, but the […]

Dae Mul Episode 3 Summary
This third episode was still an introductory for the drama. Well, at least that’s what I thought. The story line was quite slow, but I think Dae Mul does need a very firm premis since it’s bringing up such a heavy story idea. After rejected by Hye rim and waited out side her house for […]
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