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Baby-faced Beauty Episode 11 Summary

This is one of those episodes..you know, the kind of episode in dramas that you wish you could omit one from the story line. There’re many tears, heartbreak…but there’s also a hope. A new person has arrived…and who knew he could be the God’s hand for Seo Yeong… The previous episode’s ending was when Seo […]

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Baby-faced Beauty Episode 10 Summary

I knew it’d happen sooner or later. Seo Yeong was in a real trouble. But she’s a brave girl. Before Yoon Seo took an action, Seo Yeong confessed her sin to everyone. I don’t like this episode…to many cries But we’re not getting there yet. Kang Yoo Seo, with her evil plan recommended Seo Yeong […]

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Baby-faced Beauty Episode 9 Summary

If you wish someone to finally tell Seo Yeong his true feeling, you really get it in this episode. A man was finally brave enough to say “I like you, Seo Jin.” Meanwhile, the competitor still hesitated though he started to be more expressive. This episode is my favourite so far . So this’s Yoon […]

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Baby-faced Beauty Episode 8 Summary

Seo Yeong just got lucky with Joo Hee, but Yoon Seo just didn’t let her go. She was meeting Seo Yeong’s ex-boss and she found out that Seo Yeong had worked there for 14 years before she worked at The Style. Speaking of Joo Hee, last episode she owed us an explanation. So she’s giving […]

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Baby-faced Beauty Episode 7 Summary

Wohoo…I couldn’t stop smiling watching this episode.This show is getting more exciting. He kissed her!!! But who kissed whom? Let’s check it out It was quite worrying when Yoon Seo asked, “So, your name is Lee Seo Yeong not Lee Seo Jin, right?” Seo Yeong tried her best to lie… “Well, my sister name is […]

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Baby-faced Beauty Episode 6 Summary

Oh I was so excited for this episode. We can see the love sparks between Jin Wook and Seo Yeong. The couple seemed to be worrying each other beyond their own mind and surprisingly getting more comfortable with each other. We’ll see soon… Lee Seo Yeong woke up in the morning in her room. She […]

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Baby-faced Beauty Episode 5 Summary

This is a very tough episode for Seo Yeong. She had to get the blame for other people’s mistakes. Firstly for that department store MD matter and then for something her sister did. But she got one plus point here. The Style princess, Ji Hyeon-i, seemed to like her more than her father’s girlfriend, Yoon […]

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Baby-faced Beauty Episode 4 Summary

Though Baby-faced Beauty doesn’t get a really good response from viewers, i think it’s still worthed it to watch this drama and continue on writing the summary… Seo Yeong tried to overhear the conversation between Seo Jin and Yoon Seo by bringing drinks for them both. She tried to linger by pretending to clean some […]

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Baby-faced Beauty Episode 3 Summary

Baby-faced Beauty is getting more interesting. By the identity-lie, Seo Yeong’s adventure in The Style was getting more fun. Jin Wook was getting nicer to her, but his old love eventually came back right in front of his eyes. Okay, let’s start this episode.. Director Baek allowed Seo Yeong to use the sewing mahcine. She […]

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