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Lee Jun Hyuk \ Military Service \ The Equator Man
Lee Jun Hyuk Is Officially Enlisted on Military
Yesterday (June 19th) Lee Jun Hyuk started his duty on military service for two years. Sorry I’m late for this article. Just a moment before officially entered military camp, Lee Jun Hyuk attended a simple last meeting event with his loyal fans. His appearance was so different as usual. Lee Jun Hyuk was wearing a simple […]

Lee Jun Gi \ Lee Jun Ki \ Military Service
Lee Jun Gi Discharged From The Military Today
Actor Lee Jun Gi finally completed his duty in military service and discharged this morning. February 16 at Yongsan Defense Information Service he made an official public meeting with fans and the press. Lee Jun Gi was enlisted in military on May 3 2010. And it seems that he doesn’t want to make his fans […]

Bi \ Military Service \ Rain
Rain in Military: 1st Briefing
On October 13th today an online community board has become a buzz among netizen for posting Rain’s 1st briefing on military. He looked very eye catching among other trainees…oh, look at that posture! He looked so stern and very serious. He seemed to be ready for serving his country for the next 21 months. […]

Hyun Bin \ I'm Marine \ marine corps \ Military Service \ 나는 해병이다
Hyun Bin as Soldier on Marine Pictorial Book
Actually it’s a boon for marine corps when Hyun Bin decided to entered marine corps for his duties on March. Same with commercial products, the military units also need some promotions. The privilege for marine corps they have Hyun Bin, the most eligible ambassador for promoting their unit. And actually soon Hyun Bin will publish […]

Kim Jae Wook \ Military Service
Kim Jae Wook Getting Ready For Military Service
As we already know that Kim Jae Wook soon will be enlisted on military service. Kim Jae Wook appeared with his new hair cut while enjoying his civil time before he joined the army on July 5th, the military hair cut, short and neat (I think the left picture made him a bit looked like […]

Hyun Bin \ Kim Tae Pyung \ marine corps \ Military Service
Hyun Bin is Off to Baengnyeong
After having 5 days and 4 nights holiday, Hyun Bin (Kim Tae Pyung) has to be back to his duties in marine corp. on April 29th, he and a bunch of his mates left for Baengnyeong Island with military ships. He looks thinner and tanned. Good bye, good luck, and be safe Hyun Bin-ssi! see […]

Hyeon Bin \ Hyun Bin \ Kim Tae Pyung \ marine corps \ Military Service
Hyun Bin is Placed at the Frontline: Confirmed
Finally, on April 18th South Korean Marine Corps official decided that Hyun Bin (Kim Tae Pyung) who serves as a combat soldier will be placed in the country border area. Hyun Bin will end his basic training on April 22nd, then he would be given 5 days off . After the 5 days rest he […]

Hyun Bin \ Kim Tae Pyung \ marine corps \ Military Service
Hyun Bin Not Only as Public Relation Officer
After four weeks doing basic training, finally Hyun Bin officially takes the duty. He was chosen as a public relations officer on Marine corps until December 6th, 2012. He’s already on his post since April 8. Even he is a public figure and gets a perfect score on the shooting test. There is no special […]

Hyun Bin \ Kim Tae Pyung \ marine corps \ Military Service
Hyun Bin The Best Shooter
He entered to Marine corps with amazing result test, get 29 points out of 30. And now on marine corps, on gunnery training and test he managed shot 19 targets out of 20, and 10 targets out of 10 at night. He got achievement as “First-Class Marksman” because his record over 90% point in the […]
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