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Brain \ Choi Jung Won \ Im Ji Eun \ Jeong Jin Yeong \ Jo Dong Hyeok \ Kwon Se In \ Shim Hyung Tak \ Shin Ha Kyun
A Happy Ending, Brain Episode 20 (Final)
After all of the hard times he had, Lee Kang Hoon deserves a happy ending, both in his career and love life. I like the way this drama presents a mature and un-cheesy story telling, but still put a little touch of drama typical endings for each main characters. If you hope to see the […]

Brain \ Choi Jung Won \ Shin Ha Kyun
The Singing and The Passionate Kiss on Brain Episode 19
I thought this drama has getting a bit dull since they extend it from the original episode, but I was absolutely wrong [OF COURSE, RIZZ]. I’ve been struggling to dechiper Dr. Lee’s complicated mind and reaching the final episodes, I started to understand him. With Jang Yoo Jin’s daughter hospitalized in Chunha and Kang Hoon […]

2011 KBS Drama Awards \ Baby Fased Beauty \ Bae Suzy \ Brain \ Cheon Jeong Myeong \ Choi Daniel \ Choi Jung Won \ Dream High \ Han Hye Jin \ Jang Nara \ Jeon Hyeon Moo \ Joo Won \ Kim Soo Hyun \ Man of Honor \ Moon Chae Won \ Ojakgyo Brothers \ Park Min Yeong \ Park Shi Hoo \ Shin Ha Kyun \ The Princess's Man \ Uee
The Winners List from 2011 KBS Drama Awards
Oops so sorry I just realized that Rizz only made brief articles about 2011 KBS Drama Awards. She didn’t cover the other winners. So let me make this article longer to show the other winners. The event was held at night on December 31st. Many actors and actresses came to that big event. That night […]

Brain \ Choi Jung Won \ KBS Daesang Awards \ Shin Ha Kyun
Netizen Prize and Best Couple Prize for “Brain” Couple on 2011 KBS Daesang Awards
The couple of drama “Brain,” Shin Ha Kyun as Doctor Lee Kang Hoon and Choi Jung Won as Yoon Ji Hye got two awards on 2011 KBS Daesang Awards: the fifth couple for Best Couple Prize and Netizen Prize. Their unique love story in “Brain” had drown people’s attention, especially after the “Bubble gum kiss” […]

Brain \ Choi Jung Won \ Jo Dong Hyeok \ Lee Seung Joo \ Shin Ha Kyun
Dr. Lee’s Saddest Moment in “Brain” Episode 13
“Brain” episode 13 was so sad that I couldn’t help my self shading some tears. But there’s my favorite scene which I think it was very brilliant, and turned out that many media also talk about that. This scene proves how a great actor Shin Ha Kyun is. I promised myself to write about it […]

Brain \ Choi Jung Won \ Jeong Jin Yeong \ Jo Dong Hyeok \ Shin Ha Kyun
Heart Pounding Moments in “Brain” Episode 11-12
KBS drama’s “Brain” might not starred with any youth idol, but this drama is absolutely recommended. Very good one. And I can say that if many people had thought that Park Si Hoo, through his brilliant acting in “Princess’ Man”, deserves this year’s KBS’s Best Leading Actor Award, I think he has a very tough […]

Brain \ Choi Jung Won \ Jeong Jin Yeong \ Jo Dong Hyeok \ Kwon Se In \ Shin Ha Kyun
“Brain” Casts Hidden Smiles
I’ve been actually following drama “Brain” since it was first aired and Shin Ha Kyun’s character, Lee Kang Hoon, took my attention right away. As I often say that I love stories with antagonist as the leading character, and this drama is certainly one of them. It’s also one of the rare dramas that do […]

Brain \ Choi Jung Won \ Jo Dong Hyeok \ Kim Sang Chul \ Kwon Se In \ Lee Sung Min \ Shin Ha Kyun
“Brain” After “Poseidon” on KBS Monday-Tuesday Drama
New KBS medical-theme drama will start airing on November 14, which is tomorrow night. Poseidon wrapped up last week with of course a happy ending for everyone. This drama tells about the story of neurologists in the hospital and also their conflicts. The main rivalry will be between the famous neurologist, Kim Sang Chul (played […]
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